Webinar: Living Your Club's Brand

Event Date:

Event Time:
2:00 pm




Tuesday, August 1st, 2023


In this presentation, we will explore how branding can impact a club's members, employees, and overall success. Attendees will learn how a well-defined and effectively communicated brand can influence perceptions, create emotional connections, and differentiate your club in a competitive market. By understanding and leveraging your club's brand, you can unlock the incredible potential that enhances member recruitment and retention, attracts and retains talented employees, and elevates the club's status within the industry.

Learning Objectives
● Understand the Power of Branding
● Unlock Holistic Communication Thinking
● Tell a Meaningful Story for Your Club



Derek Sussner, SUSSNER

Derek Sussner is the Founder and Executive Creative Director at SUSSNER, and co-host of the Brands Made Meaningful podcast. SUSSNER is a branding firm with 20+ years of experience helping sports organizations communicate who they are and what they stand for, and engage audiences using brand strategy, emotional storytelling, and visual style. Their list of clients includes Hazeltine National Golf Club, the Minnesota Vikings, and Life Time Fitness.

Members will receive 1 AA Credit for attending


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